Doin’ the Damn Thing for 2015 as Told by Emojis

Here’s to you 2015.


Look fly AF for class. Translation: get up early and put some effort in cause the real world is coming fast and furious, better get used to it.



Guard ya damn heart, girlfriend. I know, I know, all the boys are pretty to look at, but we all know that will get you nowhere.



Keep gettin’ down with you’re weird self and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. The people you should keep around, love you even more for it.


Get as passionate about your major and future as you are about going to the bar on Friday. I mean, you picked it after all.



Travel. or I mean, GO TO FREAKIN IRELAND. Cause hellz yeah. That ish is happening. CHEERS LADS.



Try not to hate srat life so much. Remember how much fun it was freshman year….?



Put the damn phone down. You’re addicted. It’s not cute. Live in the moment.




Keep killin’ wit yo ride or die chicks. Think of how many more ridiculous stories there will be by the end of 2015…oh lawd.



Drink. Party. It’s college. Don’t let people make you feel guilty about it. Work hard, play hard amirite.



But maybe we should stay away from the beer this year and try out liquor…..cause the beer-chub isn’t flattering.



While were on that subject…get yo ass in shape homegirl. Stop playin around. You’re in your prime, don’t waste away your bod.




Meet a cute brown haired boy who doesn’t suck. He’s gotta be somewhere. #salty #lawls







When it all comes down to it. Just make 2015 one big praise-hands-emoji moment.

Big Shoutout to November

November 2014 shall go down in history as being a pretty stellar time in my life for a number of reasons. It is only fitting that I give credit where credit is due because this month is all about showing some love to the peeps that you are glad rock so much. So here are the top five things from this month that require a shoutout to November 2014 for being the real MVP.

1. One. Freaking. Direction. | Soooo, 1D dropped their fourth album this month titled FOUR. If you don’t give it a chance, you are seriously deranged. It literally makes my heart hurt beyond repair and soar to the heavens all at the same time. The lyrics are literally out. of. control. I would like to take every minute of everyday for the next month to analyze said lyrcis, but lezzzberealistic here, finals are coming up. Anyways, just when you thought the album was enough, you realize that 1D is all over the talk show scene and sweeping every award show promoting the new album AND they came out with their best music video yet. Night Changes = Life Changing. So yeah, during the whole month of November 1D was all over the place, making my life much more attractive and my expectations in the boy department much more unrealistic.

Zayn, stop that. I’m blushing.

2. Free People | So here in Alabama it is finally becoming “cold” (*cough* cough* they are all pansies about the weather) and what that means to every basic srat girl like myself is SwEaTeR wEaThEr. Free People has been on FLEEK this year. I literally don’t care that every girl on campus is wearing the same Free People sweaters cause everyone looks good AF. As my mid-college crisis has made its way into my wardrobe, I found myself going for a new look. Like seriously, the bright colors need to go, I’m 20 years old. So, like every girl in Auburn, I made my way to Behind the Glass and stocked up on some Free People basics that I can literally wear with EVERYTHING (insert praise hands emoji).

Not to mention FP photography and design work is consistently out of this world.

3. The High Museum | As Thanksgiving Break arrived I found myself somewhat nomadic again this year, so I packed up my bags and made the quick trip to ATL shawty. There I got to hang out (eat free food) with my rockstar dad and we even got to see a few sites. We headed to The High Museum in Midtown because I had a assignment for my Italian Renaissance Art class to take a peek at a freaking cool exhibition that traveled here all the way from Italy. This was straight up the handiwork of the man, the myth, the legend: Luca della Robbia, Renaissance man extraordinaire. Like #tbt I felt like I was in the Florence Cathedral in 15th Century Florence. While we were at The High we ventured to a number of other exhibitions of anything from the 15th century to today. And it. was. awesome. Got to see some Frank Lloyd Wright (design snob’s dream), this awesome “sound sculpture” that gave me goosebumps and countless works of Paul Cezanne. Everyone needs some art in their life. Like dang. When I go to places like that, I know I chose the right path for my future. #bLeSsEd

I mean its not the Guggenheim, but, hey, its only 2 hours away.

4. The Blank Space Music Video | Like dayyyuuuum, T-Swift, you kilt this one. Sometimes, you are a little much for me but this vid and song are absolutely killer. First of all, can we just talk about the set. That’s a freaking castle. Hell yeah, Taylor straight up has herself living in a mansion by herself just so she can entertain all the HOTTIES that show up at her door. Second of all. Her outfits. They. are. ***FLAWLESS. (Sorry Bey). Taylor’s old school beauty is perfectly complimented by the endless number of outfits in this vid. The last thing I’ll mention is the fact that I am all about some girl power and that’s what this video is all about. I could go on for a while about this, but I won’t. Just freaking watch it. Don’t let the haters get you down, T. But I am #bitter about the whole Spotify debate.

Sassy as HAIL in the black, love it.

5. The Parental Unit | From starting this month of pretty weak with an unfortunate case of mono, shoutout to my parents for dealing with my sobbing over the phone from 13 hours away as if they were in some way going to magical cure me. No matter how old I get, I’m sure I will never grow out of turning to mama bear when my life is in shambles. As the month progressed and proved to be pretty awesome after all, it was Thanksgiving break. A week of just me and the rents. Most college kids probably dread this, but my parents are freaking cool so I had been pretty pumped for a while. We shopped, ate nice meals, had some awesome chats, took naps, drank wine and watched football. So from just that, its pretty clear my parents gave me a great week off. Shoutout to you, Maura & John, keep doin’ you. Oh also, big shoutout to mom for not freaking out when I dyed my hair really really dark brown (almost black), lol, oops. At least I like it.

Thanksgiving on a the USS Alabama wasn’t to shabby either.

I can teach you but I'll have to charge.